Roy Williams still has plenty of friends and fans in the Kansas City area from his days just down Interstate 70 in Lawrence. Williams won 418 games during his time coaching Kansas, and nearly captured a national title, before the tug of his alma mater proved too much to overcome.
The man, identified by police as Brandon Keith Hatfield, got into the park about 7:45 p.m. Monday and damaged part of its snack bar, then went into the recently opened “Oasis on the Nile” exhibit, Alligator Farm Director John Brueggen said.
The Hokies have won a game against the Blue Devils in each of the past three seasons. They know what to expect and will not be intimidated by the bracket’s No. 1 overall seed.
I only saw the first exchange between Caroline and Bronte and they looked closely matched. I saw later that Caroline advanced, though Bronte seems to have let it slip through her fingers, more than it as any big statement from Caroline. The golden light called to me and I slid out for a bike ride. Bike fitness and deadlines are not the best of friends, but a girl has to try, at least.
Kelly’s best wave featured a bogged first turn that he turned into an awkward slide which segued into a weirdly caught bottom turn into two more clean turns. His board looked chattery, catchy and unreliable.
A disc flies through the air at Skyview Park in Norfolk, sailing on gentle breezes amid a brilliant backdrop of the sun just beginning to set this past Wednesday. It settles on lush green grasses, not too far from a basket. Appreciative comments arise from the group the disc’s thrower belong…
One afternoon, I hung around a photo shoot at the Venice Beach skatepark. My job as a writer at a photoshoot is generally to show up, watch my story subject, and stay the fuck out of the way. My eyes strayed repeatedly from the skateboarding to the ocean just beyond the edge of the pavement. It was mostly walled up, onshore and crumbled, but I wanted to paddle out so badly I could taste it. Just say fuck it, forget the job I was supposed to be doing, forget the deadlines and the interviews, forget it all, and just go surf. Wisely, I’d left my boards at home.
Rockets-Warriors in the second round? Oh, boy. The Rockets give the Warriors all they can handle but again go cold in Game 7 — missing 28 consecutive 3-pointers or something like that — and the Warriors escape to advance to the Western Conference finals.
As for the current rule in place, Kerr says he’s talked to league commissioner Adam Silver and league officials about possibly adjusting the technical rule for teams that advance and hopes that one day the current structure will change.
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Hash House A Go Go In addition to the regular menu offerings of twisted farm favorites, spring into Hash House a Go Go for an Easter Sunday feast with something for every bunny.
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